Alot of times I was very disappointed while waiting on things to happen from God. I use to think like when is He go show up. My problem is I knew that He would show up but I just didn’t know when or how He would and this use to make me so upset with God. But I realized that He was in control and not me. I also seen that God would do more than I thought He would when I waited. I started to really trust in the scripture Isaiah 55:8, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. ” It is literally saying that God thoughts and ways are not ours. This meant to me that even when I thought I wanted something to look and feel one way God did it a different way and it was the BEST WAY. I want to encourage you if you are waiting on God to do something in your life. Wait Patiently and do not be discouraged. I want you to know that God will do more than you can imagine. God is so faithful! Trust in Him and know He wants what is best for you more than you do.
You are LOVED,
Jesus Girl