I want you to know that your father’s heart for you is…
–Sweet like strawberrys. He really cannot get enough of you. He loves you more than you know or could even fathom to understand.
–Compassionate like a mother when her child injures themselves. Your father cares about your scars and bruises. He is running when you hurt yourself.
–Kind like a teacher that hugs you on first day of school. When you arise in morning, throughout the day, and when you lay down to sleep your father is attentive to every detail in your life. It is nothing He do not see about you. He do not care about what you have done but He cares about why you see yourself as not valued, not loved, defeated. Your father wants you to know that He perfects you into His image. You can’t make yourself right but He makes you Flawless, righteous, holy because when you choose Him you are one with Him. Your father wants you to experience the love He has for you everyday. Not just one day out week or when you feel you need Him. But He wants you to experience His love daily. Embrace your father’s love today. Let Him show you how He see you.
You Are Loved,