Day 8- God is a promise keeper
On this day we went to a place where we was by the Jordan river again. But it was significant because you could see part of Jordan river that has been known to be the place where Joshua led the israelites into the promised land. We worshipped and begin to thank God for Him being a promise keeper we begin to pray for the things we wanted God to do in our lives and believed Him for it. Do you that God keeps His promises? If you don’t please understand He truly do. If He says something He will keep His word.
After we left this place we went to eat lunch in Jericho. Now I didn’t know that Jericho was the oldest city in the world. Just to think I had went to St.Augustine last year and that was the oldest city in the United States but now I end up in Jericho the oldest city in the world. God has a funny way of showing me things. He confirmed that He wanted to do something new as He told me the first day of my journey to Israel. We ate a Great meal once again the hummus was extremely delicious.
After eating we went to the dead sea which is the lowest sea in the world. It was a great experience watching others come out the water muddy. The water is very salty but the minerals in the water is known to be great for your skin. I didn’t get in because I really didn’t feel like getting to messy I was not really prepared lol. But it was beautiful seeing others have fun and I enjoyed the views of the sea. We headed to the hotel to rest after leaving the dead sea. It was another successful day.
You are LOVED,
Jesus Girl