Category: Lifestyle

  • As the plane begins to land in Israel tears begin to fill my eyes. I started to process that we were arriving in the Holy land. The place where my Savior was born and raised. I started to cry tears of joy and begin to praise the Lord. I heard the others in my group…

  • My heart racing and I am thinking about we are about to miss our connecting flight to Israel. We had just landed in Istanbul, Turkey and our flight was extremely delayed. I was thinking our connecting flight is about to leave us. We get off the plane and immediately I felt our flight was gone.…

  • Lately, I have been feeling that there is a new destination the Lord is moving His people to. What do I mean by a new destination? God is beginning to shift things because where I was comfortable in one place God is now causing me to move in another direction. When we are on a…

  • Pressure

    Just sitting here thinking about the pressures of life. Sometimes life is just challenging. Like seriously it is tough. Have you ever been in a place where you felt like you had to do everything perfectly and get things done or you would not be successful? Well, I have many times in life. I felt…

  • Oil of Prayer

    Prayer is important as a believer in Christ. When you pray as a believer it shifts things in the atmosphere. You are a joint heir with Christ and you have authority and access in the kingdom of God. 1 thessalonians 5:16-18 states, ” Rejoice always,  pray continually,  give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you…

  • The Father’s Heart

    I want you to know that your father’s heart for you is…–Sweet like strawberrys. He really cannot get enough of you. He loves you more than you know or could even fathom to understand.–Compassionate like a mother when her child injures themselves. Your father cares about your scars and bruises. He is running when you…


    Alot  of times I was very disappointed while waiting on things to happen from God. I use to think like when is He go show up. My problem is I knew that He would show up but I just didn’t know when or how He would and this use to make me so upset with…

  • Pioneer

    I remember being at a stoplight and there were cars behind me but I was the first car in the line. The Lord spoke to me and said you are a pioneer. He was telling me that as the first person in the car line I am the one who directs what happens first when the…

  • Chosen trumps Curosity

    The Lord spoke this to me when I was praying one day. He said being Chosen trumps curiosity. I asked the Lord what that meant, and He gave me the scripture Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as…


    There is so much I want to say but I want to first welcome you to the first Jesus Girl blog post. I am so glad you are here. The Lord moved upon my heart to write this blog and I didn’t know what to think or do but I did say YES! Sometimes we…